All 2007 MUM Bible Lessons
MUM Blog page: 2007 (c) MUM McQueen Universal Ministries, Forth Worth, Texas | 2013 |
Pastor Annmarie McQueen, PhD | Founder of McQueen Universal Ministries, Inc. |
© Annmarie McQueen, McQueen Universal Ministries PO Box 34082, Fort Worth, TX 76162
November 4, 2007
Dear Holy Men and Women of God,
We greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master. We would like to invite you to join us for this year's Leadership Summit. Due to circumstances beyond my control, we had to change the dates this year. As a result of this change, I will be able to spend Christmas and the New Year with the Saints in Germany. God is good.
The new dates are
Friday, December 14th - Evening Service
Saturday, December 15th Daytime Seminars
Sunday, December 16th - Morning Worship Service
The theme this year is, Let us go over unto the other side.
The scripture is a quotation from Jesus, taken from chapter 8, verse 22 of the Gospel according to St. Luke.
We look forward meeting the Lord and you again.
Pray for us and for the conference as we pray for you. God is faithful. Glory be to God.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Evangelist Annmarie McQueen
Founder of Annmarie McQueen Ministries
November 16, 2007
Praise the Lord, Saints,
Greetings in the precious Name of Jesus. In preparation of this years' double conference, i.e. our 8th Women Making A Difference Conference and the 2nd Annual Leadership Summit, we have booked a number of Double and Single Rooms at the Mainfranken Hotel in Bamberg.
If you have not already done so, please let us know as soon as you can for how many nights you will require accommodation so that we can confirm our bookings.
Single rooms are Euros 61, double rooms are Euros 79. This includes a wonderful rich breakfast.
Our services shall all take place at the Faith Ministries Headquarters at Biegenhofstr. 5, 96103 Hallstadt. On Saturday, however, we shall all have breakfast together at the Mainfranken. After the breakfast, the ladies and children shall make their way over to the church, while the men will be at the Hotel.
Also, for those of you flying into NUREMBERG Airport from out of the country or from far away here in Germany, please let us know your arrival and departure times.
Some of our saints will take off from work to pick you up from the airport. We would very much appreciate if you could arrive in the morning, and at the latest EARLY in the afternoon, so that none of those who will pick you up nor you yourself will miss out on the blessings God has prepared for you to receive on Friday night. Remember, the earlier you arrive here, the more rest you will get after your journey and the fresher and more receptive you will be. It's harvest time. Let's not miss it. The service at the church starts at 7 pm.
Pray for us and for the conference as we pray for you. God is faithful. Glory be to God.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Evangelist Annmarie McQueen
November 25, 2007
Dear Partners,
May you all remain blessed in the Lord. As we seem to draw closer and closer to the close of 2007, I just wanted to take the time to make sure you have your house in order. By 'your house' I mean your affairs.
Have you paid close attention to the doors the Lord has opened for you this year? Exodus 16:15 It's a terrible thing to not recognize the provision of the Lord. Have you cherished and nurtured every opportunity laid out before you? Numbers 11:6 Have you walked through doors, expecting God Almighty to see you through to the end of it all? Numbers 13:30. I pray so... It is my desire that you do not allow this year to end with any “Stones unturned” so to speak. By this I spite of all the pains and ups and downs, this has indeed been a year of 'Open Doors'. Many opportunities came your way...things to try, things to start, change of mindsets, attitudes, and outlooks. This has not been a regular year.
I myself have started things I had never thought of before. Some are still pending. Those pending I will attempt to finish or be further along in accomplishing before this year is over. This is the reason I am writing to you. If you have been afraid all year, rebuke the fear now and dear to dream. Start now and continue into the next year... Do what you can now and develop it next year. Whatever you do, don't wait until next year to do what you have been thinking about doing, meaning to do, hoping to do or wanting to do all year. Go ahead, get started.
Next year, 2008 will be a different kind of year. It is the year of New Beginnings and Abundance among other revelations. Many things will be set in order and made clear next year. We will also see the beginning of some things next year that we never dreamed of. But what about us? I am encouraging you not to wait to begin. Begin now, for what you begin now, you can continue and even finish next year. What you attempt now, will come to flourishing and clarity next year. If you do not begin now, however, you might not have anything to continue next year. Go ahead. Give God something to work with this year and watch HIM balloon it next year. Receive this word, Abundance is growing on the inside of you... bring it forth. Abundance of grace, peace, joy, love, success, prosperity, excellence, Word knowledge, Word usage, and Word living. Abundance of giving, living and being...' the list goes on. Abundance is growing on the inside of you. Bring it forth, today. Don't wait go ahead, start something.
Remain blessed.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Evangelist Annmarie McQueen
November 26, 2007
Dear Partners,
In the last Partner Letter we wrote that next year will be a year of New Beginnings and Super Abundance among other revelations. One of those revelations is the Year of Circumcision or Cutting Away.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Evangelist Annmarie McQueen
November 30, 2007
Nov 30, 2007
Dear Partners in Christ,
As we draw closer and closer to our 9th Annual Making A Difference Conference I urge you to keep us in your hearts and in your prayers.
Remember that the Making A Difference Conference began as a women's conference.
After seeing the anointing of the Lord upon the women or upon their wives and sisters, men began to attend the conference as well. As the Lord would have it, we saw that many leaders and men and women in ministry or those who wanted to be in ministry began to attend this conference. It became a life-changing experience for many for they began to see that God's presence was strong among us there in Bamberg. It was one of our Pastors from Birmingham, England, Pastor B. Fyffe, who began to refer to our conference as "The Bamberg Experience." He, along with many others, began to realize that this experience was unlike any other. It was not just a conference but an encounter with the Lord and His anointing.
As a result of these encounters, last year we took the time to take another look and held a closed meeting. We called it our first Annual Leadership Summit Meeting. Well, it was successful but the cry for the Women's Conference and the cry to include men and other lay people was so loud that we could not ignore what God was calling for. He was calling for men and women alike and leaders and lay people alike to stop what they were doing to re-evaluate what they had done throughout the year and to examine what they would be doing for the coming year. It was a way of crossing from one time zone (the present year) to another time zone (the coming year).
It was time for God to make a difference in us and for us to look at how we could make more of a difference in the lives of others.
Now, when we have the Making A Difference Conference, God has so enlarged us, we are able to facilitate everyone in the body of Christ. Men, Women and Leaders are all addressed. Each segment will be addressed in private sessions and each will be blessed. No group will leave unfulfilled.
I give you this brief history so that as you pray for us and/or participate with us you will do so with an understanding. We are not just meeting because we have nothing else or better to do or because it is conference time. It is an encounter with God. It is a holy convocation. What is the Lord saying to us? What are our instructions? Well, this year He is saying, "Let us pass over to the other side." He is saying, "You've been in this one place or state too long, it is time to cross or move." Now, this might not be as easy as it sounds for even in the presence of the Lord Jesus and in spite of His clear instructions, the enemy still tried to stop the group from doing what they started out to do. In the midst of it all, the enemy rose up and tried to stop their progress, but the Word of the Lord stood. He did not say, "Let us go to the middle of the sea and drown", nor did He say, "Let us get started and if all goes smoothly we will continue." No, He said, "Let us pass over to the other side." It was almost a command or a statement of fact. They were not to try and see but they were DO what He said... More to come during the Conference.
Join us, whether in prayer, in person or through your giving. Join us this year. Refuse to be stopped. Refuse to be hindered. Do not accept any excuses. Whatever you do, do not be robbed of this encounter.
I say to you as my Lord said, "Let us pass over to the other side"... see you... in Bamberg. We have a lot to hear and a lot to talk about.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Evangelist Annmarie McQueen
December 1, 2007
Dec 1, 2007
Dear Partners in Christ,
Praise the Lord of the Harvest!
In preparation of our 9th Making A Difference Conference at Faith Ministries Int.,Bamberg from Dec 14-16, 2007, we want to sow a ten-day-fast, for he who sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life.
The fast shall start on Monday 3rd and end on Thursday 13th at 4 pm.
It is such an extended fast because we want to join brethren in Italy and in Russia who are waiting on the Lord at this time.
Choose by the Spirit how you are to fast. It does not have to be a dry fast. It could be a “miss a meal every day” or a “lose something everyday”-kind of fast. Join us and be blessed!
Spend the entire time in a fasting mode.
Those who can may fast for those ten days without any food or with very little.
Everybody should observe at least three days within those ten days where you fast from midnight until 4 pm.
Again, join us for this time of consecration and you will not regret it. In fact, you will lay up treasures in Heaven where rust cannot touch them. This fast is for all of our partners, whether or not you will be there with us personally for the conference.
Prayer points
Let’s go to the throne of grace, trusting God that we shall have what we ask for right there and then when we pray.
Let’s pray in Jesus holy name:
For Jesus to be glorified, honored, and revered
For us to be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing
For clear and safe travel (Ps. 91), no delays or unplanned layovers
For everyone to be financially blessed to attend (“I wish above all things…” – 3 Jn. 2)
For the glory of God to be there (“Show me Your Glory.” – Ex. 33:18)
For the manifestation of His Goodness
For the manifestation of His glory (“Covet earnestly [the manifestation of] the best gifts.” – I Cor. 12:31 + 14:1)
For stumbling blocks to be removed ("Make a highway… “ – Is. 40:3)
That those who decided not to come (who should come) would come anyhow
For those who should not be there to stay away
For a special visitation during our worship services
For clear direction for all of the leaders
For our eyes to be on the LEADER, Jesus
For eternal Words to be spoken and received by open, trusting, pure, humble, grateful, and expecting hearts
For lasting, great testimonies to the Glory of God, the Father
God is good. God is faithful. We look up unto Him. Psalm 115:1 and Psalm 116:1.
Yours in the Master's Service,
Evangelist Annmarie McQueen
Founder of Annmarie McQueen Ministries Inc., Fort Worth, TX |
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